Back-to-School Supply Shopping: College Edition

If only I had spent as much as time on homework and essays in high school than I did making sure I had all the right supplies every single day, then maybe I wouldn’t regret my high school career all that much. Whatever, the past is in the past and since I spent those four years perfecting the most efficient way to carry your papers and books, I can offer this to you. Here’s what you’ll need to have the most organized school year ever*:

1: One 3″ Binder with Sleeves

Initially, I hated binders because they were bulky and school supply shopping lists normally demanded that you needed one for each subject. In high school I tried getting away with notebooks and folders, but you’re more likely to leave those at home if they’re not all together. I also recommend getting one with plastic sleeves as I keep my student ID in there for easy access.

2: Dividers 

This one is pretty self explanatory, but you’ll need as many dividers as you have classes. Another tip: some dividers are also folders which is great if your professor doesn’t hole punch their handouts (so you’ll also need to invest in a hole punch, but that can stay in your room).

3: Lined Paper 

Whether its in a notebook or loose leaf, this is a must. You’re always taking notes.

4: Planner 

You’ll need something to remember any long term homework assignments, essays, and reminders for mid terms and final exams.

5: Pens (or other writing utensils)

6: No. 2 Pencils 

You definitely want to make sure your stocked before any tests, mid terms and final exams. Bookstore prices tend to be overpriced.

7: Scantrons 

Some professors provide them, some don’t. Make sure you find out before test day.

8: Highlighters 

You really only need the basic yellow one, but if you have a working system already, don’t let me stop you.

9: Colored Pens 

If I’m in a class that is lecture heavy with a PowerPoint presentation every single class, I opt for one of those pens that is four-in-one. In my Sociology class last semester, I wrote in blue for everything, purple to highlight words I need to know the definition of, pink to highlight examples, and green to write in any additional comments from the professor. Using different colors not only breaks up your notes so its easier to read, but also makes classes a little more enjoyable. I think I will make a whole other post about it in the future.

*As always, these are tips and totally customizable to what works for you 

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